Your business has different needs, so you need a manufacturer that recognizes what is important to your business and delivers on what is required to fulfill those needs. You need a manufacturer that understands your production – we know not only our business but have expertise and know-how on your automated and manual processing equipment and denesters. We understand that schedules can change and have a solution to provide inventory on demand to meet your changing and seasonal needs with the ability to combine shipments to deliver both paper cups and plastic trays.
We take being your supply chain partner seriously and offer a variety of services to make sure your business is running smoothly. We offer just-in-time inventory services and/or stock agreements, and proudly maintain a solid reputation for flexible lead times, on-time delivery and a high level of service that you can rely on.

We are the industry’s leading manufacturer of automatic denester quality bake cups and plastic trays and containers. The bake cups and plastic trays that we manufacture are designed to run at optimal performance levels through your automation and denesting equipment. You will save time, labor and material with our product.
We offer problem solving, technical resources and design services. Call us to find out what we can bring to the table for your business over and above delivering consistent high-quality products.
Contact us today to find out how we can start to develop your ideal packaging solution! 330-821-6300